Using Air to reformat code with Emacs ESS
Air is an R formatter and language server written in Rust.
It is very fast and opiniated. It integrates with VSCode and Positron, RStudio (and soon with Zed).
Maybe there is a better way of integrating it with Emacs and ESS but for the time being, I wrote this short snippet that uses its command line interface to reformat the current buffer on save:
;; use Air to format the content of the file
(defun run-air-on-r-save ()
"Run Air after saving .R files and refresh buffer."
(when (and (stringp buffer-file-name)
(string-match "\\.R$" buffer-file-name))
(let ((current-buffer (current-buffer)))
(shell-command (concat "air format " buffer-file-name))
;; Refresh buffer from disk
(with-current-buffer current-buffer
(revert-buffer nil t t)))))
(add-hook 'after-save-hook 'run-air-on-r-save)
From my limited testing, it works well enough for now.