Scientific Software


rotl provides an interface to the data from Open Tree of Life project. rotl makes it easy to have in memory a phylogenetic tree for a given subset of species, or trees from published studies that are stored in Open Tree.

If you use rotl please cite our paper


rncl provides an interface to the NEXUS Class Library to import in R the content of phylogenetic trees stored in NEXUS and Newick files.


phylobase provides functions and methods to handle phylogenetic trees and associated data. It aims to provide a common toolkit to manipulate phylogenetic data in R. Developers can focus on new methods rather than re-coding basic functions, while end-users do not need to re-learn the functions.

Don’t hesitate to send comments or suggestions by opening an issue on GitHub or by getting in touch on the developer mailing list.

Other Software


foghorn gives access to the results of the CRAN check results directly in your R terminal.


riceware provides an implementation of the Diceware method for strong password generation.