I strive to make all the outputs from my research accessible. Below, in addition to links to the journals in which the article was published, I also provide links to local copies of the PDF files. Open-access publications (released under a Creative Commons license) have near their title, while free-access (no journal subscription required to read the article) publications have .
Cryptic and not-so-cryptic species in the complex Holothuria (Thymiosycia) impatiens (Forsskal, 1775) (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea)
Michonneau F.
Preprint -
More than meets the eye: diversity and geographic patterns in sea cucumbers
Michonneau F., McPherson S., O’Loughlin P.M., Paulay G.
- Molecular phylogeny of Didemnidae (Ascidiacea: Tunicata)
da Silva Oliveira F. A., Michonneau F., da Cruz Lotufo T.
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society
Journal PDF file
Ten Simple Rules for Digital Data Storage
Hart T., Barmby P., LeBauer D., Michonneau F., Mount S., Mulrooney P., Poisot T., Woo K.H., Zimmerman N. B., Hollister J.
PLOS Computational Biology
Journal Preprint GitHub Repository PDF file -
Invertébrés benthiques des Marquises, les Echinodermes
Paulay G., Michonneau F., Starmer J., Evans N. (Salvat B., ed) in Biodiversité terrestre et marine des îles Marquises, Polynésie française. Galzin R., Duron S.-D., Meyer J.-Y. (eds). Paris: Société française d’Ichtyologie. 526 pages.
PDF file -
rotl an R package to interact with the Open Tree of Life data
Michonneau F., Brown J.W., Winter D.
Methods in Ecology and Evolution
Journal Pre-print GitHub Repository PDF file
- Using iNaturalist to learn more about Echinoderms
Michonneau F., Paulay G.
Reef Encounter
Preprint GitHub Repository PDF file
Phylogenetics and morphological evolution of coral-dwelling barnacles (Balanomorpha: Pyrgomatidae)
Malay M.C.D., Michonneau F.
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society
Journal PDF file -
Revision of the genus Phyrella (Holothuroidea: Dendrochirotida) with the description of a new species from Guam
Michonneau F., Paulay G.
Journal PDF file -
Experimentally induced metamorphosis in paedomorphic axolotls reduces regenerative ability
Monaghan J.R., Stier A.C., Michonneau F., Pasch B., Smith M.D., Maden M., Seifert A.W. (all authors but Maden contributed equally)
Journal PDF file -
Global Invertebrate Genomics Alliance (GIGA): Developing Community Resources to Study Diverse Invertebrate Genomes
GIGA Community of Scientists (46 authors)
Journal of Heredity
Journal PDF file
The littoral sea cucumbers (Echinodermata : Holothuroidea) of Guam re-assessed – a diversity curve that still does not asymptote
Michonneau F., Borrero-Perez G.H., Honey M., Kamarudin K.R., Kerr A., Kim S., Meñez M.A., Miller A., Ochoa J.A., Olavides R.D., Paulay G., Samyn Y., Setyastuti A., Solis-Marin F.
Cahiers de Biologie Marine
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Geographic and Taxonomic Disparities in Species Diversity: Dispersal and Diversification Rates Across Wallace’s Line
Bacon C., Michonneau F., Henderson A.J., McKenna M.J., Milroy A.M., Simmons M.P.
Journal PDF file
- Predator Crown-of-Thorns Starfish (Acanthaster planci) Outbreak, Mass Mortality of Corals, and Cascading Effects on Reef Fish and Benthic Communities
Kayal M., Vercelloni J., Lison de Loma T., Bosserelle P., Chancerelle Y., Geoffroy S., Stievenart C., Michonneau F., Penin L., Planes S., Adjeroud M.
The influence of fundamental traits on mechanisms controlling appendage regeneration
Seifert A.W., Monaghan J.R., Smith M.D., Pasch B., Stier A.C., Michonneau F., Maden M.
Biological Reviews
Journal PDF file -
New record of the sea cucumber Holothuria (Halodeima) nigralutea Aspidochirotida: Holothuriidae from Okinawa Island, Ryukyu Islands, Japan
Uyeno D., Michonneau F., Paulay G., Naruse T.
Biological Magazine of Okinawa
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Effects of predators and grazers exclusion on early post-settlement coral mortality
Penin L., Michonneau F., Carroll A., Adjeroud M.
Journal PDF file
Diversity of the Holothuroid Fauna (Echinodermata) at La Réunion (Western Indian Ocean)
Conand C., Michonneau F., Paulay G., Bruggemann H.
Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Sciences
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The Antarctic region as a marine biodiversity hotspot for echinoderms: Diversity and diversification of sea cucumbers
O’Loughlin P.M., Paulay G., Davey N., Michonneau F.
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography
Journal PDF file -
Early post-settlement mortality and the structure of coral assemblages
Penin L., Michonneau F., Baird A.H., Connolly S.R., Pratchett M.S., Kayal M., Adjeroud M.
Marine Ecology Progress Series
Journal PDF file
- Recurrent disturbances, recovery trajectories, and resilience of coral assemblages on a South Central Pacific reef
Adjeroud M., Michonneau F., Edmunds P.J., Chancerelle Y., Lison de Loma T., Penin L., Thibaut L., Vidal-Dupiol J., Salvat B., Galzin R.
Coral Reefs
Journal PDF file
Fish community comparisons along environmental gradients in lakes of France and north-east USA
Irz P., Michonneau F., Oberdorff T., Whittier T.R., Lamouroux N., Mouillot D., Argillier C.
Global Ecology and Biogeography
Journal PDF file -
Controlling for natural variability in assessing the response of fish metrics to human pressures for lakes in north-east USA
Irz P., De Bortoli J., Michonneau F., Whittier T.R., Oberdorff T., Argillier C.
Aquatic Conservation
Journal PDF file