Using Air to reformat code with Emacs ESS
A snippet to add to Emacs configuration file to use the new R code formatter Air
A snippet to add to Emacs configuration file to use the new R code formatter Air
An annoted list of solutions to the Advent of SQL challenges
Learn how to work with Parquet files over HTTPS using duckdb and dplyr.
A short practical guide to load a 15 GB dataset with Apache Arrow using R and Python.
How does partitioning impact query performance?
An exploration of the file formats that Arrow can read and write.
1.3.1 released
New version of foghorn provides access to Win-builder queue
How R allowed The Carpentries to migrate emails from Gmail to HelpScout using their web APIs
Solutions for the 2018 Advent of Code
A non-exhaustive semi-curated list of useful books/websites for R programming, data analysis, and working at the shell.
The steps involved to create the authinfo.gpg file used by magithub when you have 2FA enabled on GitHub
Solution for Day 21 of Advent of Code
Solution for Day 20 of Advent of Code
Solution for Day 19 of Advent of Code
Solution for Day 18 of Advent of Code
Solution for Day 17 of Advent of Code
Solution for Day 16 of Advent of Code
Solution for Day 15 of Advent of Code
Solution for Day 14 of Advent of Code
Solution for Day 13 of Advent of Code
Solution for Day 12 of Advent of Code
Solution for Day 11 of Advent of Code
Solution for Day 10 of Advent of Code
Solution for Day 9 of Advent of Code
Solution for Day 8 of Advent of Code
Solution for Day 7 of Advent of Code
Solution for Day 6 of Advent of Code
Solution for Day 5 of Advent of Code
Solution for Day 4 of Advent of Code
Solution for Day 3 of Advent of Code
Solution for Day 2 of Advent of Code
Solution for Advent of Code
A write-up on data collection for large biodiversity surveys
An illustrated demonstration on how to get taxa from a specific geographic zone using the iDigBio portal.
using Darwin’s “On the Origin of Species”.
A short demonstration of the R package tidytext using the 1st edition of ‘the Origin of Species’.
I wrote a tutorial to get started using GMYC (the Generalized Mixed Yule Coalescent). GMYC is a popular method for species delineation based on a single locu...
Cross-posted from the iDigBio blog. Reproducibility is one of the corner stones of the scientific process. Readers should be able to figure out how you gen...
Last week I read this article on how to generate strong (but easy to remember) passwords. The method coined Diceware uses a 6-faced dice to draw a series of ...
rncl’ is now officially on CRAN. This package provides an interface with the NEXUS Class Library (NCL). NCL, written in C++, is included in several popular p...
BEAGLE is a library that computes efficiently the likelihoods needed during maximum-likelihood or Bayesian phylogenetic tree estimation. It is used by MrBaye...
After a trying to submit phylobase to CRAN, I learned a lot about the quality checks that go into a package before being available to the public. Beyond the ...
This post is about my latest paper, that you can download here Revision of the genus Phyrella (Holothuroidea: Dendrochirotida) with the description of a new...
Here is a list of the favorite articles I read this year. Our Silver-Coated Future, Robin Marantz Henig How nano-technology is slowly becoming ubiquitous i...
Some colorful animals seen in the Southern Line Islands
Maybe more than any other island in the tropical Pacific, Guam has been the site of many studies about its sea cucumbers. For instance, Guam is the type loca...
Crown-of-thorns (Acanthaster planci) are sea stars living on coral reefs. They can grow very large (more than 50cm/1.5ft in diameter) and they feed on corals...
Alfred Russel Wallace was a British naturalist who lived at the same time as Darwin. His travels to the Amazonian forest and the Malay archipelago led him to...
I’m currently in Papua New Guinea, with John (the Slapcinsky kind) where we are participating to the expedition “Our planet reviewed” organized by the Muséum...
I just upgraded to offlineimap 6.4.1 and I was getting the following error message: “ERROR: INFINITE FOLDER CREATION DETECTED! Folder ‘.foo’ (repository ‘gma...
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A new paper with our Japanese colleagues was recently published in the Biological Magazine of Okinawa. It’s the first record of Holothuria nigralutea after i...
I use offlineimap to fetch my emails from my Gmail account. I use labels as folders, some are nested, and some contains a dot in their names. I have about 12...
In the previous post, I introduced you to the species complex Holothuria edulis with the three players: the pink sausage, the gray one and the éclair. If one...
I just got back from a trip to Okinawa. In the next week, I will report on the reason for my visit and some of the findings. The island of Okinawa is part of...
National geographic just published online a series of articles and photos illustrating the Biocode project. This initiative seeks to document all the species...
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I’m at Woods Hole, MA for the Molecular Evolution Workshop.
Part of the lab is currently in Guam because of sea cucumbers. In the context of the PEET project, we brought together 15 sea cucumber specialists and stude...
I’m in Guam for the sea cucumber workshop. We are gathering experts and students to share the latest knowledge on the biology, ecology and taxonomic status o...
Last week, I told you that Terry Gosliner was blogging about his field trip in the Philippines where he is looking for nudibranchs (sea slugs). Today, there ...
If I say jellyfish, you probably picture a Frisbee-like animal with long tentacles that swims gracefully in an open ocean. </div> However, there i...
Currently, the New York Times is hosting a blog series entitled “Scientists at work, notes from the field”. Today, Terry Gosliner from the California Academy...
The journal Science has a section entitled “Editor’s choice” where they feature recent papers that caught their attention. This week, they chose to highli...
I like the colors chosen by Ubuntu and I tend to use them for my presentations and posters. So, I created a palette that can be imported in OpenOffice. H...
I just found this podcast about sea cucumbers on the Encyclopedia of Life (EOL) website. It provides a nice, short and fun introduction to these wonderful an...
You may not have heard of the word “arthropod” but you are certainly familiar with at least some members of this group: the insects. While insects make arthr...
For this second edition of invertebrates in the news, I chose to follow up on a previous post. In early December, Seabird reported on David Liittschwager’s v...
To keep you entertained about invertebrates when we are not in the field, I will write regularly about invertebrates that made the news recently. On the menu...
Not many animals are known to eat sea cucumbers. There is a good reason. Most of them have chemicals in their body, which probably doesn’t taste too good but...
Since Hardy, Ubuntu includes gcc 4.3 which makes the compilation of Garli 0.96 to fail. Derrick Zwickl provides a solution to fix the problem on the Garli FA...
Have a look at this video showing Stichopus herrmanni releasing its gametes. This event was captured by Emmanuel Tardy in New Caledonia. ...
I started the year in summer as I was in the southern hemisphere. First, I participated to the 13th International Echinoderm Conference in Hobart, Tasmania. ...
This Fall, I organized with Ben Bolker a seminar on community phylogenetics. You can see the paper we read here.
Since I came back from my field trip in the Indian Ocean, I have been busy. First, I went to the 11th International Coral Reef Symposium (ICRS) in Fort Laude...
Tim Werner (University of Boston) wrote a blog for our recent expedition in Nosy Bé (Madagascar). After this trip to Madagascar, Arthur Anker and I spent two...
On May 1st and 2nd, I participated to the MorphBank usability workshop. It took place at FSU in Tallahassee. It was the occasion to interact with the develop...
I decided to start a website to talk about my research and about the organisms I study for my PhD: the sea cucumbers. In addition of the things usually found...